Articles tagged with "security"

Hardware TOTP for AWS: Molto-2

Everybody knows you should protect your AWS accounts (and other logins) with MFA against brute-force attacks. Most of the account providers use a standardized algorithm (RFC 6238) to generate the famous six-digit TOTP codes for your login. But where do you store those securely? Today, we will look at the alternatives and a specific device: The Molto-2.

Find all Lambda-Runtimes in all Accounts: Multi Account Query with steampipe and TASFKAS (the AWS service formerly known as SSO *)

You have got some mails from AWS: [Action Required] AWS Lambda end of support for Node.js 12 [Action Required] AWS Lambda end of support for Python 3.6 [Solution Required] Search all Lambdas in multiple accounts. [Solution Found] Steampipe with AWS multi-account support. Multi-account management is like managing all the arms of a Kraken. I will show you a fast and straightforward solution for this. (* the new offical name is IAM Identity Center, but I think TASFKAS would also fit 😉)

New AWS Config Rules - LambdaLess and rust(y)

AWS Config checks all your resources for compliance. With 260 managed rules, it covers a lot of ground. But if you need additional checks until now, you had to write a complex Lambda function. With the new “Custom Policy” type, it is possible to use declarative Guard rules. Custom Policy rules use less lines of code and are so much easier to read.

NetApp DataSense on AWS

Over the last years, demands and expectations on data security have increased dramatically. The main drivers are local data privacy regulations like the EU-GDPR, which imply awareness of sensitive data and an overview of potential risks. Amazon has offered its service Macie in 2017, added new capabilities lately, and is doing a great job with data on S3. But how do you include your EFS/FSx file shares and RDS databases to eliminate blind spots? Meet NetApp Cloud DataSense.

Darf ich als deutscher Finanzdienstleister in die Cloud?

Viele Unternehmen und insbesondere solche in der Finanzbranche stellen sich die Frage, ob sie ihre IT oder Teile dieser ĂŒberhaupt in die Cloud migrieren dĂŒrfen. Ja, die Cloud skaliert gut, sie schafft bessere VerfĂŒgbarkeit lokal wie global, sie fördert AgilitĂ€t, erleichtert den Zugang zu neuen Technologien und kann in vielen FĂ€llen auch Sicherheitsvorteile schaffen. Aber wie die rechtliche Situation bei einer Auslagerung an Public Cloud-Anbieter aussieht, steht nochmal auf einem anderen Blatt Papier.