Recent Articles on the tecRacer AWS Blog

A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Hidden EC2 Permissions

During some R&D for a new blog post, I experimented with IAM conditions in Trust Policies. Some small mistakes during this led to instances that have limited privileges according to the AWS Web Console and CLI. But in reality, they can work with administrative permissions for a few hours - unnoticed. Have I piqued your interest? Let’s see how to reproduce this effect then.

Enhance Lambda Security with new Amazon Inspector Vulnerability Management and prevent 'log4jgate'

Detect the crack in the window (or the lambda library) before it breaks: As we have seen during the last month, also well known libraries like log4j can have previously unknown vulnerabilities. Therefore scanning your Lambda application before deploying is not enough! What happens if a new cybersecurity vulnerability occurs while your functions are running? Solution: Amazon Inspector. Only problem: it`s not available for Lambda yet. Fortunately, you can deploy Lambda with container images and Inspector will continuously scan these images for you. Want to know how set up Lambda & Inspector and see how evil Node vulnerabilities are detected? Read on!

One Step Closer to IPv6

Over many years, we have now read warnings about the exhaustion of available IPv4 addresses. So far, there still seem to be ways and ideas on how to extend their lifetime (by approaching large organizations, using NAT, re-dedication of, and so on). Switching over to the much-dreaded IPv6 sounds easy, but even minor things can still cause problems. So what is the current state of AWS with this topic? And how did the landscape change during re:Invent 2021?