Articles in the category "AWS"

Prepopulate Lambda Console Testevents without dirty manual work using Terraform

You like Lambda testevents? Great! But with “automate everything”, manual console clicks are considered dirty! Keep your hand clean by automating the creation of Lambda test events. So you can give your team, and yourself prepopulated test events. This example shows you the terraform code - because this is the fastest way. With a little effort, you can translate it to CloudFormation or AWS-CDK!

FSx for ONTAP Backups

In our FSx for NetApp ONTAP series, we continue to one of the most vital topics: Backups. But did you know there are two types of backup with this service? Let’s compare the native backup and AWS Backup in this post.

What is a Quantum Ledger Database?

This blog introduces you to a database that solves an interesting niche problem: Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB). We’ll get to the service later, but first, I’m going to set the stage by describing a problem that the service can solve. I’m going to tell you a story - not my own story but one that happened to a colleague. That story made me understand where QLDB-like systems could be beneficial.

Multi-AZ Block Storage for EKS - Solution Overview

Did you already encounter an application on EKS which does not perform well with EFS storage or which even needs dedicated block storage with multi-AZ capabilities? In this case, we have prepared something for you: We now support you with creating multi-AZ block storage for your EKS clusters and add facilities to monitor, manage and troubleshoot them with easy building blocks.

New AWS Config Rules - LambdaLess and rust(y)

AWS Config checks all your resources for compliance. With 260 managed rules, it covers a lot of ground. But if you need additional checks until now, you had to write a complex Lambda function. With the new “Custom Policy” type, it is possible to use declarative Guard rules. Custom Policy rules use less lines of code and are so much easier to read.